Support the Grand Haven Musical Fountain

The Grand Haven Musical Fountain is made possible through generous donations of time and funding from our community. The Musical Fountain is an inspired piece of engineering that requires regular maintenance and upgrades. Financial donations ensure that the Musical Fountain Committee, Operators, and Volunteers can maintain and improve the fountain for many years to come.

In 2022, Friends of the Musical Fountain, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, was established to help fundraise for the Musical Fountain. Their goal is to help maintain, improve, and sustain the future of the Musical Fountain to ensure that the Fountain is Forever!

Friends of the Musical Fountain partners with Givebutter to accept and manage donations.  Donations are securely processed through the PCI compliant payments partner StripeGivebutter does not touch donors’ credit card information and prioritizes protecting the personal information of donors.

Prefer another donation method? Donations can also be made through The Friends of the Musical Fountain’s Venmo or PayPal. Checks can also be mailed to Friends of the Musical Fountain at:

Friends of The Musical Fountain Inc
519 Washington Avenue
Grand Haven, MI  49417

Enjoy The Fountain At Home!

For the Grand Haven Musical Fountain’s 60th birthday, the committee had a custom piece of art commissioned to honor 60 Years of performances on the waterfront.  You can enjoy the Grand Haven Musical Fountain year round with your own piece of fountain artwork!  To obtain your own print as a thank you for donating to the Grand Haven Musical Fountain, check out our Fountain Artwork Page and Opportunities.

100% of Donations go Direction to The Grand Haven Musical Fountain!

Friends of the Musical Fountain has no paid staff or other overhead expenses. 100% of your donation goes toward our efforts to support, maintain, and improve the Musical Fountain. Funds can be directed to the Grand Haven Musical Fountain's Immediate Needs Fund, Project Fund, or the Fountain Forever Fund. The latter two funds are held in escrow at the Grand Haven Community Foundation. Excess funds are deposited annually in the Fountain Forever Fund.

How Your Donations Make A Difference

Fountain Maintenance

The Grand Haven Musical Fountain is a unique, multi-million dollar high-tech attraction with highly complex systems to maintain. Although there have been numerous upgrades over the decades, many components to the infrastructure are original to the fountain. Expenditures for maintenance are necessary to keep the fountain running reliably. 

Free Performances For The Community And Visitors.

Since its first shown in 1962, The Grand Haven Musical Fountain has entertained audiences for free. There is no revenue to the City of Grand Haven from the shows. Each show utilizes two paid operators to run fountain. Operators are employees of the City of Grand Haven.  Donations ensure that we can continue to bring free performances to the Grand Haven waterfront.